AFENET extends technical support towards Liberia’s Onchocerciasis elimination efforts

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AFENET extends technical support toward Liberia’s Onchocerciasis elimination efforts

During a July 2022 visit to Liberia, the AFENET team’s support revolved around the integration of community vector control “Slash and Clear” (S&C) to the much-used approach of mass distribution of ivermectin by onchocerciasis elimination programs in Africa. Slash and Clear entails the removal of vegetation from S. damnosum s.str. breeding sites to reduce the number of larval substrates, with the hope that this would have the knock-on effect of reducing the vector biting rates. While the slash and clear interventions were very successful in the savanna S. damnosum s.str. infested streams of Northern Uganda, it is possible that this method may not generally be applicable in all areas of Africa. Read more.