AFENET Liberia CBI Polio team

My Liberia

Flag of Liberia
  • Population: 4,731,906 (2017)
  • Per capita income: $710
  • Life expectancy at birth: F 64/M 62 years
  • Infant mortality rate: 50/1,000 live births

Sources: World Bank 2018, Liberia
Population Reference Bureau 2018, Liberia

About AFENET Liberia

AFENET is a non-profit networking and service alliance of Field Epidemiology (and Laboratory) Training Programs (FELTPs), and other applied epidemiology training programs. AFENET has operations in over 31 countries in Sub-Saharan Africa or the World Health Organisation Africa Region (WHO – AFRO). Established in 2005, AFENET is dedicated to helping Ministries of Health in Africa build strong, effective, sustainable programs and capacity to improve public health systems on the African continent.
The network’s goal is to strengthen field epidemiology and public health laboratory capacity to contribute effectively to addressing epidemics and other major public health problems in Africa.
AFENET currently operates in 31 African countries namely: Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burundi, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Guinea Conakry, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, South Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

Our Objectives

AFENET works through Seven priority areas to achieve its strategic objectives. The areas include:

  • Establishing and strengthening of One Health platforms in Africa
  • Preparedness and Response
  • One health training programs (Burkina Faso and Senegal)

This program fosters the professional development of field epidemiologists, competent in the practical application of epidemiologic methods to a wide range of contemporary public health problems. The strategic objective addressed by this program is strengthening field epidemiology capacity in Africa. Emphasis is placed on the following strategic actions:

This area focuses on the strategic objective of enhancing public health laboratory capacity in Africa. Emphasis is on the following strategic actions: 

  • Establishing the current capacity of health laboratories in Africa
  • Establishing and operationalizing a laboratory networking mechanism
  • Supporting laboratory capacity among member programs

Member programs contribute to strengthening surveillance and outbreak response systems. This includes formulation, strengthening, and periodical review of surveillance and emergency preparedness plans. The strategic objective advanced by this area is strengthening surveillance and outbreak response systems for communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases. Through this program area, the following strategic actions are emphasized: 

The strategic objective for this program is to strengthen documentation and dissemination of field epidemiology experiences. The following strategic actions are considered: 

  • Supporting research performed by trainees
  • Facilitating programs to document and disseminate their implementation experiences
  • Supporting the Secretariat’s capacity to document and disseminate field experiences

Public Health Program Management & Research Development aims to strengthen the capacity of disease prevention and control in the Ministries of Health in Africa. Through partnership, some of the projects that have been implemented include: enhancing research, epidemiology, and policy capacity in Sub Saharan Africa (Data to Action Award), Neglected Tropical Diseases Tobacco Control (NTD), Technical assistance to HIV response in Uganda, Malaria project, Nigeria, Tobacco Control, Data Improvement Teams – Uganda, Strengthening the Second Year of Life in Ghana, SMS reminder project in Uganda, Epidemiology of Burkitt’s lymphoma in East-African Children and Minors (EMBLEM) among others.

This area places emphasis on the strategic objective aimed at advancing the sharing of regional expertise in field epidemiology and laboratory practice. Emphasis is on the following strategic actions: 

  • Conducting experience-sharing conferences, workshops, and seminars in the region
  • Facilitating faculty exchange programs in the region
  • Strengthening inter-country collaboration
  • Facilitating the sharing of training materials in the region
  • Conducting joint outbreak investigations
  • Promoting racial and ethnic diversity at all levels of public health practice

Meet the

AFENET Liberia Team



Dr Adebayo Adewuyi Peter

FETP Resident Advisor and Country Technical Lead
Dr Obafemi J. Babalola

Dr Obafemi J. Babalola

Field Coordinator
Mrs Himiede Wilson Sesay

Mrs Himiede Wilson Sesay

Field Epidemiologist
Mrs Lily Sanvee Blebo

Mrs Lily Sanvee-Blebo

Field Epidemiologist
Mrs Faith Kamara

Mrs Faith Kamara Whesseh

Emergency Response Coordinator

Mr Godwin Akpan

GIS/IT Specialist

Admin and Support Staff

Mrs Brendalynn Tejan

Mrs Brendalynn Tejan

Admin Officer
Priscilla J.N Karbeh

Priscilla J.N Karbeh

Finance Officer
Mr Sheriff Franklin

Mr Franklin Sheriff

Transport Associate
Mr Sheriff Franklin

Mr Zawu Y. Johnson

Transport Associate
Julian N. Kamanda

Julian N. Kamanda

Office Assistant

AFI Team

Mr Elijah Edu-Quansah

Mr Elijah Paa Edu-Quansah

AFI Surveillance Coordinator

Mr Jefferson Flomo

Transport Associate
Mr Andrew D. Johnson

Mr Andrew D. Johnson

Administrative Assistant

Polio Team

Dr Samuel Sha’aibu

Dr Samuel Sha’aibu

Polio BMGF Consultant

Mr Augustine Newray

Polio GID Consultant

Mr Dash Kwayon

Data Manager

Emergency Response Team

Mrs Faith Kamara

Mrs Faith Kamara Whesseh

Emergency Response Coordinator
Mr Leroy Maximore

Mr Leroy Maximore

Technical Assistant
Revd. John Sumo

Revd. John Sumo

Risk Communication & Community Engagement Consultant
Mr Samuel Kamara

Mr Samuel Kamara

Social Media Expert
Josie Honey Tozo

Josie Honey Tozo

Administrative Assistant


Mr Yilaa Wloti Se

Mr Yilaa Wloti Se

NAPHS M&E Coordinator

Collaborating Partners

AFENET Liberia
Center for Disease Control
Ministry of Health of Liberia
National Public Health Institute of Liberia
Vital Strategies
Community Based Initiative in Liberia
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Resolve to save Lives