Mr. Adolphus T. Clark, EPI Manager addressing the participants during the opening of the EPI-Focused Training Workshop 1

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EPI-Focused Training Commenced in Liberia

In collaboration with the Ministry of Health, Liberia, the National Public Health Institute of Liberia, and funding from the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC), African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET) in Liberia conducted the first workshop for 13 middle-level managers from the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI). The EPI-Focused Training Program was organized based on the request by EPI to improve the skills of middle-level public health workers in data collection and analysis, interpretation, and communication. The workshop occurred between February 20-24, 2023, at the National Polio Emergency Operation Center (EOC).

Workshop 1 group photo
Workshop 1 group photo
Mr. Adolphus T. Clark, EPI Manager addressing the participants during the opening of the EPI-Focused Training Workshop 1
Mr. Adolphus T. Clark, EPI Manager, addressing the participants during the opening of the EPI-Focused Training Workshop 1
Dr. Rachel T. Idowu, CDC Liberia Country Director addressing participants during the EPI-Focused Training
Dr. Rachel T. Idowu, CDC Liberia Country Director, addressing participants during the EPI-Focused Training
Dr. Dieula D. Tchoualeu, Senior Advisor for Public Health Science and Programs, CDC Liberia addressing participants during the EPI-Focused Training
Dr. Dieula D. Tchoualeu, Senior Advisor for Public Health Science and Programs, CDC Liberia, addressing participants during the EPI-Focused Training
Dr. Maame P. Amo-Addae, FETP Resident Advisor and Country Technical Lead, AFENET Liberia presenting on the role of public health surveillance in the Expanded Immunization Program
Dr. Maame P. Amo-Addae, FETP Resident Advisor and Country Technical Lead, AFENET Liberia, presenting on the role of public health surveillance in the Expanded Immunization Program
Dr. Peter Adewuyi, EPI-Focused Training Consultant, AFENET presenting on investigating a vaccine preventable disease outbreak
Dr. Peter Adewuyi, EPI-Focused Training Consultant, AFENET presenting on investigating a vaccine preventable disease outbreak
Mrs. Himiede Wilson Sesay, EPI-Focused Training Coordinator, AFENET Liberia presenting on Measure of Disease Frequency
Mrs. Himiede Wilson Sesay, EPI-Focused Training Coordinator, AFENET Liberia, presenting on Measure of Disease Frequency
Mrs. Lily Sanvee-Blebo, Field Epidemiologist, AFENET Liberia guiding participants a case study on data quality audit
Mrs. Lily Sanvee-Blebo, Field Epidemiologist, AFENET Liberia, guiding participants in a case study on data quality audit
Mrs. Faith Kamara Whesseh, Emergency Response Coordinator, AFENET Liberia presenting on disease surveillance and their purposes
Mrs. Faith Kamara Whesseh, Emergency Response Coordinator, AFENET Liberia presenting on disease surveillance and their purposes
Cross-section of participants during pre-test
Cross-section of participants during pre-test
Participants during post-test
Participants during post-test
Facilitators after modules review meeting, February 15, 2023
Facilitators after modules review meeting, February 15, 2023