Group photo after US CDC Liberia visited AFENET Liberia on January 23, 2023

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US CDC paid a courtesy visit to AFENET Liberia

The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC) had a courtesy meeting with AFENET Liberia on January 23, 2023 at AFENET’s office in Monrovia. The meeting was convened primarily to introduce Dr. Dieula D. Tchoualeu, Senior Advisor for Public Health Science and Programs, CDC Liberia, to the AFENET team and to familiarize her with the AFENET portfolio as CDC’s implementing partner in Liberia.

Dr. Rachel Idowu, CDC Liberia Country Director, deliberating during the US CDC courtesy meeting with AFENET Liberia on January 23, 2023
Dr. Rachel Idowu, CDC Liberia Country Director, deliberating during the US CDC courtesy meeting with AFENET Liberia on January 23, 2023.